Select a Soccer Training App and System that is right for your organization!

This article will guide you through a process for Selecting Soccer Training that is right for you and your organization.

Evaluating Soccer Training Apps & System(s):

I recently watched a YouTube video that evaluated a handful of Soccer Training Apps. Their evaluation criteria focused on the “glitz and glitter” of the apps vs the content quality and delivery methods of instruction.

Evaluate training Sports Apps and Systems, focus on the criteria, method & style of instruction as well as the  “what, where, when, and how” content is being presented to the coach or player.  READ MORE

Coach’s Corner: Choosing High School Captains

Players that aren’t true leaders but try to be, always bash other players after a mistake. True leaders on the pitch already assume others will make mistakes.Johan Cruyff

It is a blast choosing Captains and training them for my High School team. I like to impress upon them that this is their team, their friends, and their last high school season if they are seniors. Players consider it a great honor to be a Captain. Let’s help them to become the best Captains they can be. READ MORE

Basic Principles of Play

by Alan Merrick:

Over my years (decades!) of observing competitive older players, I have seen that many often believe that because they played at a higher level as a youth, they will automatically continue (or just deserve) a place in the starting lineup forevermore. However, many of these players lack an understanding of basic principles of play that are a pivotal foundation to the game – and their growth and playing ability are hindered as a result.

Coaches need to do their part to introduce these principles starting with 10, 11, and 12 year old’s. We owe it to this age group to give them appropriate game understanding so that they can fully meet all the demands of the game later. READ MORE

Ejercicio de fútbol 3D CON Box 6v2 Rondo con las niñas

Ejercicio de fútbol 3D MOTI Tactical Work – CON Box 6v2 Rondo con las niñas

Ejercicio de fútbol 3D MOTI Tactical Work – CON Box 6v2 Rondo con las niñas

Rondo 6v2: un Rondo es simplemente una actividad de tener números y retener la posesión de la pelota. Los rondos ayudan a desarrollar el movimiento de la pelota y la comprensión de cómo mantener la pelota y jugar bajo presión.

Haz malabares con un solo rebote – Técnica

Android App iOS App

ReverseV 1v1 New

ReverseV 1v1 – New 3D models

This is one of our new 1v1 Skills with Adult 3D models. These will enable players to the the “how” this skill works in 3D defending the ball, maintaining possession.

Check out this skill with Youth 3D models: ReverseV 1v1 Youth

Get the MOTI Soccer Training app:
MOTI Soccer for Android:
MOTI Soccer for iOS:

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Overlap Passing Circle

Overlaps Passing Circle Drill from the MOTI Soccer app.

The center circle is ideal for this exercise. This drill focuses on positioning and overlaps. Upon completion of the overlap, the player in possession selects another player to pass to.

Learn about a skill: Outside Hook Turn Skill

Get the Soccer Training app:
MOTI Soccer for Android:
MOTI Soccer for iOS: