Hacer malabarismos con un solo rebote

Hacer malabarismos con un solo rebote

Malabares con cordones con un rebote es un bloque de partida ideal para hacer malabares. Ayuda a promover la coordinación y el equilibrio. Un excelente calentamiento para todos los jugadores. Más disponible en 3D móvil en su dispositivo móvil.

Rondo con pases de pared y superposiciónACTIVIDAD – Ejercicio táctico

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The Gee Gees Golden Rules


How often have you been to matches and heard players and coaches hollering “play our game,” or “play our style”? You may have just arrived at the pitch and have no idea of the score but you can usually figure out who is winning just by listening to the tone, frequency and volume of these shouts from one team or the other. But what does “play our game” really mean? Do the players understand when the coach instructs players to “play our game”?

The intent of this article is to provide insight into the start of a process that the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) Gee-Gees and the Cairine Wilson S.S. Wildcats used to guide their women’s soccer teams to success on the pitch. It was the start of the framework to get the teams to “play our game” and to understand what that meant and to guide the players’ decision-making during the match. READ MORE

Alan Merrick #481

Congratulations Alan!

On November 7th, 2021 Alan Merrick (MOTI Sports’ Director of Soccer Content) a veteran football/soccer player was recognized by his first professional club joining the “100 game club” and recognized as their 481st professional player in the 143-year history of the West Bromwich Football Club (founded in 1878 in West Bromwich, West Midlands, England).

Why is this important? 

Recognition of a players’ achievements in life allows young aspiring players to have inspirational role models and career paths mapped out before them as potential paths for personal and vocational growth. READ MORE

Periodization for High School

Periodization for a High School Soccer Program in the Midwest

With the varsity high school soccer season crammed into a 12-week period having a strategic document prepared for the season will give your program a chance to succeed.

Time is a “premium” at the High School level of play. Rules and regulations must be adhered to. Preseason and allowable camps are well defined, and the Head coach is well advised to put a fully planned training process in place prior to the beginning of the season. The well-being of a high school athlete needs to be paramount in the coaching staff’s training model. There are going to be great divides between Middle School, Freshmen, and Senior players over the 5-year span which will provide an environment of challenging proportions and growth-spurt differences amongst the Student-Athletes. READ MORE

ReverseV 1v1

ReverseV 1v1

This is one of our new 1v1 Skills coming out. These will enable players to the the “how” this skill works in 3D defending the ball, maintaining possession.

Check out another skill: Outside Hook Turn Skill

Get the MOTI Soccer Training app:
MOTI Soccer for Android: https://motisports.com/google-soccer-app/
MOTI Soccer for iOS: https://motisports.com/apple-soccer-app/

Thank You Coach

Coaches inspire us to accomplish as a team what we never could do individually.

Often we think of coaching as teaching us how to play the game (strategy. skills, drills, etc). 

More often then not they enable us to find a way working as a collective group to accomplish more than we could as individuals, believing in ourselves.

Minnesota State High School League – Visit the MSHSL website