COACHS CORNER: Learn the Game Together

For the recreational coach and parent Learn the Game Together

I was recently in my friend’s backyard and the conversation turned to her 8-year old daughter’s blossoming love of soccer. Before I knew it, I was up and teaching her “The Maradona,” just for fun. My friend and her older daughter soon joined us. Later, I received a text informing me that the three of them had spent a significant portion of their evening continuing to try the move together and that her youngest couldn’t wait to show dad “The MADONNA” (her version of this famous turn).

Of course, the MOTI 3D skills are great for the players, but this got me thinking about how great of a tool it is to connect parents and their kids with each other and to the game. The players get extra practice, the parents gain an appreciation for how difficult some of the skills can be to perform and additionally, the child feels the benefit of one-on-one attention and investment in the relationship.

So, why not use the technology to learn the game together? Take turns giving each other scores for executing the skill or video record one another and compare your moves to the MOTI animation. Regardless of how you decide to “strike a pose” and make it your own, remember to: KEEP IT FUN!

View another COACHES CORNER article here.

By Jemma

Jemma Merrick is a life-long soccer fan, long-time soccer player and coach, and current soccer mom.  After high school, Jemma played both Division I and Division III collegiate soccer, at the University of Virginia and Macalester College, respectively. Jemma coached the women Macalester College Team.