KSTP 5: Local company creates app to help soccer training

The MOTI Youth Soccer 3D App is helping youngsters learn the sport of soccer while developing their skill.

Alan Merrick was interviewed recently on KSTP ABC 5 TV about the MOTI Sports 3D Soccer Training Platform & MOTI Soccer App (previously known as MOTI Mobile). View the news story now.


MOTI Tip: Making Communicating with your Team Simple!

The Announcement Board

Communicate so everyone hears your message!

You, as the Coach, should customize the Announcement as soon as you can.  Then remind players, coaches and parents to view the Announcements to obtain up-to-date information.  

Once players, coaches, and parents view the Announcement they will see the benefit of it.  No more email messages to hunt for in your email, trying to remember which email address they are coming to, or remembering which “category” your email provider shuffled your messages of to in their attempt to organize your life. READ MORE

Playing in the backyard

A bit of nostalgia hit me the other day as a family member and I were going through some old photos.  We stumbled across a picture that sent me back to my youth.  We use to play soccer in the backyard.  The clothes line my mom would use to dry our cloths and a tree formed the perfect goal.  I would practice my free kicks and, using a makeshift wall, would make great passes to set me up for my perfect shots and goals!

Today it is easy for the kids to play FIFA on their devices but it will never compare to spending hours playing in the backyard, taking shots, juggling, and so on. READ MORE

US Women’s National Team Has Fun!

Watching the US Women’s National Team win the World Cup was a joy for me.  It was not just the victories nor the celebrations by the players and the fans.  It was the tremendous skill seen by player after player, all executing at such a high level and at such a pace.

It was Morgan’s Cruyff move for a goal verses Thailand or her laces volley verses Japan, Heath’s fake shot to the outside and goal verses Sweden,  and  Rapinoe’s inside of the foot no panic pass to the back of the net verses England that I loved to see. READ MORE


Last month we took a look at different team formations for youth soccer, getting yourself organized and how to organize a coaching session.

This month we will take a look at some foundational Tactics and Systems of Play.

Tactics and Systems of  Play

Simple Principles of Play

  • Support
  • Width
  • Depth

Taking just those basic principles, how does one put together a system of play?  Let’s start.



            CM READ MORE

COACHES CORNER: Remedy to Summer Soccer Brain Drain

Most teachers are well aware of a little phenomenon called “The Summer Brain Drain.” This is the loss of skills and knowledge that often happens during the months away from school. With many seasons already coming to an end just as official summer begins and a rather long gap before tryouts and then another before the start of the fall season, a parallel concept could be applied to our favorite youth sport: Summer Soccer Brain Drain. While this usually refers to a slide in math and reading skills, in the case of soccer it would be a loss of technical skill in the time away from the game. This is the perfect time to “MOTI UP” and helps combat a summer skill slide with some fun soccer homework. READ MORE

FOX 9: 3D app developed by Minnesota company helps teach soccer skills

The MOTI Youth Soccer 3D App is helping youngsters learn the sport of soccer while developing their skill.

Alan Merrick was interviewed recently on KMSP FOX 9 TV about the MOTI Sports 3D Soccer Training Platform & MOTI Soccer App (previously known as MOTI Mobile). View the news story now.


MOTI Tip: Reliance on the Internet

Over the past 5 years, our dependence on internet access in our daily lives has grown exponentially.

Just a short 3-4 years ago communications between Coach and Player or Parent was simply by phone call.

Now we have come to rely on email, texts or team management systems, and we hope the communications are up to the minute.

Today with hot-spots on cell phones and wifi access points (almost) everywhere we’ve begun to forget about “not being connected”.

We at MOTI Sports, always want you to be able to access our 3D Training Content, where ever you are located. READ MORE