Drill Camera Controls Series 2

Welcome back to the 3-part series on MOTI Mobile drill controls. In this
article the Zoom Controls and Camera View Menu
will be reviewed and explained. Utilizing these features, reviewing the
play from a multitude of angles and levels of detail is possible.

To recap, the review of the drill controls are divided into 3 parts. Topics
for the 3 parts are:

  1.  Animation Controls and Overview – Part 1 introduced the main
    control panel, the animation controls and the menu/control-panel buttons.
  2. Zoom Controls and Camera Views Menu (this article) – Part 2
    covers both the zoom controls and the camera view menu that help with
    viewing the drill in different ways.
  3.  Drill Effects – Part 3 will cover the drill effects that are
    available to help visualize the workings of the drill.


The first article introduced layout of the drill controls in the panel and
described the functionality of each of the buttons and controls. The
content of the previous article will be used as a basis of this article.
Read the first article if these concepts are unfamiliar or a refresher is
needed. READ MORE

Minute with Merrick Episode 03

Lesson Plans for the Teachers

Alan shares advice for youth soccer players, parents, coaches, and fans of soccer during these “Minute with Merrick” episodes.

Alan Merrick is MOTI’s Director of Soccer Content. As an international soccer legend both as a professional player and coach, Alan now dedicates his time to teaching the sport with MOTI Sports’ 3D Mobile Soccer Training Platform.

Watch Minute with Merrick Episode 4 here

Get the MOTI Soccer Training app:
MOTI Soccer for Android: https://motisports.com/google-soccer-app/
MOTI Soccer for iOS: https://motisports.com/apple-soccer-app/ READ MORE

Family that Plays Together

Families that Play together…Stay together

Most families that had “busy schedules” prior to the pandemic have slowed almost to a stop along with their physical activity levels.

Take the initiative playing “pickup soccer” as a family physical activity that is fun and rewarding. 

Parents, children, grandparents, close family members all benefit from not only physical activity but also from the competitive social interaction.

A soccer ball and a little space outside provide all the resources necessary to enjoy a simple family game of “pickup soccer.”  READ MORE

US Soccer Return To Play


“PLAY ON” Phases Provide Guidance for Return to Full-Team Competitions;
Each Phase Should Be Implemented Only If and When Local Regulations Deem It Safe

U.S. Soccer has released the final phase of its five-phase PLAY ON campaign, providing coaches, players, parents, referees, and administrators with the complete return-to-play guidelines during COVID-19 to help ensure the safety of all participants. READ MORE

Soccer Lesson Plans for Teachers

Alan will share advice for elementary, middle school, and physical education teachers on how to integrate proper and effective soccer lesson plans into in-person, hybrid, or distance learning curriculum.

Alan Merrick is an international soccer legend both as a professional player and coach, Alan now dedicates his time to teaching the sport with MOTI Sports’ 3D Mobile Soccer Training Platform.

Drill Camera Controls

MOTI Mobile Camera Controls for Drills provides the user with dynamic options to review and study drills.  From tracking a player on the field to viewing a drill from overhead to actually being the player, the camera controls provide a multitude of options.

The review of the camera modes will be divided into 4 different parts.  Topics for the 4 parts are:

  1. Motion Controls and Overview (this article) – Part 1 will introduce the motion controls available to the user (finger-gestures and on-screen joysticks) and provide a high-level overview of each of the camera modes.
  2. Pivot-In-Place and Rotate-Around-Location – Part 2 covers two modes that provide a very flexible overview of a drill. As a note, Pivot-In-Place is the default mode when a drill starts.
  3. Follow-Player, Follow-Ball, Track-Player, and Track-Ball – Part 3 will explore the ‘follow’ and ‘tracking’ options. These modes facilitate focusing on specific player/ball in a complex drill.
  4. Top-Down Perspective – Part 4 reviews a viewing-mechanism of the field that will be very familiar with users that play some of the most popular real-time strategy games.

Motion Controls

The motion of the camera can be controlled by finger-gestures and by the on-screen joysticks.

Finger Gestures

Common finger gestures are used with the touchscreen.  The effect of the finger gestures will change based on the camera mode that is selected.  The individual effects will be outlined in the article that contains the camera mode.   The following terms in these articles will be used to describe motion on the touchscreen.  Currently, the finger gestures are: READ MORE

Teachers Prepare

Teachers Prepare: to teaching Soccer in three scenarios?

As August is here, so is the beginning of school, but now teachers need to prepare to be able to teach in three differing scenarios; traditional classroom (gym, or outside); remote learning, and or a combination.

This spring MOTI released our “OneTeacher:  system of soccer skills instruction.  Designed after articles published in Shape America (Society of Health and Physical Educators), we put the power of visual 3D learning affordably in the hands of educators like yourself.  Plus, we provided you with daily lesson plans to help you do your role in making sure the instruction meets the Power Standards and can be turned in to your Curriculum Manager. READ MORE

Soccer Solutions 101

Who would have predicted the level of chaos that COVID 19 has brought to the World. The effect of this pandemic and the shutdown has been catastrophic in scope and size. For one minute let’s look at the devastation it has created for Youth Sports, soccer in particular. COVID 19 has forced youth soccer clubs to schedule, reschedule, stay at home, go on hold, completely shut down, to be on stand bye. Then a glimmer of hope with directions of how to return to play and the phase after phase of wait and see. READ MORE