Who would have predicted the level of chaos that COVID 19 has brought to the World. The effect of this pandemic and the shutdown has been catastrophic in scope and size. For one minute let’s look at the devastation it has created for Youth Sports, soccer in particular. COVID 19 has forced youth soccer clubs to schedule, reschedule, stay at home, go on hold, completely shut down, to be on stand bye. Then a glimmer of hope with directions of how to return to play and the phase after phase of wait and see.
Little did I know 6 years back when I got involved with MOTI Sports that several of the MOTI Organization pillars of the team, player, coach, and parents would be a natural solution for what has befallen youth soccer and how to maintain the development of young players.
MOTI is part of the new future where student-athletes learn techniques and personal skill sets via a remote device, then congregate for some practice time as a team for a rehearsal for a game-day experience. With MOTI you get Animation in 3D Training Sessions and all the relevant coaching points. It comes with Motion Capture and the ability to watch all the content on a live screen that can zoom in and zoom out, rotate, and view from any perspective. It even has an element of virtual reality (VR) where you can select a player in an activity and watch the action from that person’s viewpoint.
The MOTI 3D Soccer Training Platform design gives teams, players, a player in the singular, coaches, teachers, students and parents all the content, tools and bells and whistles they need to have a continuum of “learning the game from the neck up.”
It is structured to be distributed via a free App from the IOS or Google store for smartphones and tablets. The distribution in this format allows all single and multiple members to be connected and able to see a pre-selected and curated curriculum that is age and gender-specific, eliminating guesswork and ensures coaching consistency for skills and drills.
Having Training Sessions preloaded by the Club, School, Association, or a single coach proactively prepares players and coaches for great constructive practices. These sessions can be preprogrammed to be available to everyone on the squad or team, which will allow an absent player to never miss a single teaching moment.
The format of MOTI 3D Soccer Training Platform is engaging, it improves and automates existing coaching tasks and lets all using it saves valuable time as it is always available for review in your hand wherever and whenever you need it. Playing the content is easily done once you have downloaded it onto a device. Best of all no internet connection or data plan is needed once viewed.
The 3D Animation and Motion Capture gives a complete breakdown of important visual and auditory clues found in the game. Remember 95% of humans are visual learners. School children are learning math, science, and languages on computer and tablet screens, so why not all aspects of Soccer? I believe getting to see the entire practice plan and the skill development assets will reduce the learning curve, prepare players for practice, and sharpen them in their approach to game time encounters.
Engaging the parents by having them review the skill elements will help them grow in their knowledge of the game and what is expected from their child. They will now be looking for a good first touch, combination passing, good control of the ball on the ground and in the air, 1v1 encounters, and players trying out their moves and abilities to go past the opponents. Gone will be the days of parents hollering out “boot it.”
MOTI has a comprehensive skills development content library that players are encouraged to spend time on at home. This is where players can do a workout for themselves guided by Motion Capture sequences of all the moves needed to play the game. Give the game back to the young player, the concept of ‘Home Work’ being on their own if need be, doing it for themselves, showing initiative, and learning to love ball mastery.
This concept of ‘Homework’ is an ideal lead in to what is part of the “Be safe – Stay in Place” regulations. Those young players who took the opportunity to download the MOTI Foundation Skill package for free during the early stages of COVID 19 now have an accelerated understanding of the touches on the ball. They have also received a fitness boost and a healthy dose of exercise while physical distancing.
Clubs who have adopted the MOTI 3D Soccer Training Platform can communicate through the Announcement Board on the Apps Dashboard, encouraging their players and parents to get their workouts completed and making them personally responsible for development.
The analytic function allows Clubs to monitor the amount of time and the content being viewed by players and coaches. To increase utilization, a coach by making it into a game among a single player, a squad of players, or a whole age group across a Club or Organization. Remember that analytics show no favor, just statistics of time, content, and the desire to pick up soccer knowledge.
Having analytics makes the player more accountable for their development. As little as 15 minutes each day produces impressive results (simple math 365 days X 15 minutes is 5,475 = 91 hours of activity on necessary ball work). Having a ball at the feet of the player while getting ball mastery and muscle memory of repetitive action is the best form of development.
In short, the MOTI 3D Soccer Training Platform and the App it is distributed on provides many solutions to the soccer communities’ needs now! MOTI is easy to set up, is user friendly, and has all the bells and whistles needed to run successful development content for young players.
Be proactive and look at this revolutionary Training Platform. It is available now and is so very affordable you will be surprised and thankful you spent the time researching this program.

I provide content, curriculums, topics and detailed coaching points to the MOTI Soccer Training Platform. I am pleased that a product like MOTI Soccer Training Platform is now available to all players, coaches and soccer enthusiasts.