Character Development Series – Relationship Building

MOTI Sports – Character Development Series: Relationship Building

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Coach’s Corner: Developing Leaders

Training High School Captains – Developing Team Leaders

A player who makes a team great is much more valuable than a great player.”  John Wooden

The last time I met with my Captains, we had fun, played a game, and got to know each other over some food.  It was a great time.

Now I have had a chance to see them playing in other activities and have made a few connections with them during the past few months.  Let’s get together again and take a look at some of the characteristics of great leaders. READ MORE

Coach’s Corner: Training Captains

Getting to Know  You

Players are very often surprised that when I meet them first time that we don’t talk at all about football.”  – Jurgen Klopp

Now that you know who your captains for next season are, what do you do to prepare them for their leadership role with your team?

I plan on getting together 3 times before the season as a group.  I pick a public place where there is food – pizza is always a favorite – and we can take up a table for an hour or so.  I also ask an assistant coach or coaches to join us if they can. READ MORE