MOTI Tip: Working Offline

Heading to the game pitch or practice field, remember you should play every 3D Skill 3D Skill and 3D Drill 3D Drill once, so that if you need to access them in “Work Off-Line” mode they are loaded into the app. A fast way to access them then is to Check Work Off-Line and sign-in. Your screen will appear a bit different. Your Team Announcement board and current practice plan 3D media elements will be visible and will launch immediately without an internet connection.

MOTI Website Tip: Who Visited?

As a director / administrator it is nice to see who in your club is actively using the system for both Coaches & Players. As you view the Users of your club you can use the Sort UserSort User Icon to now sort the User list by:

  • Visited Last – provides a list in descending order of users date last visited
  • Visit Frequency – provides a list in descending order of #Visits in Last 90 days

Additionally you can Download Excel FileDownload an Excel File that will give you a spreadsheet of all users and see usage by user within team with in season. The spreadsheet will show all users with date last login and total login counts, by season. Finally, team analytics, allows the coach, director or administrator to view usage statistics by team users. View which practice plans were viewed, how often and what elements with in the practice plan and their frequency.

MOTI Website Tip: Important Messages – Use the Announcements!

Every Coach and Player on your team will go past the Announcements, on a desktop or on a phone. Use the area daily to encourage your Coaches and Players to read the board. If you post an up-lifting message it really has a positive impact. Remember this area is better than a message in that EVERYONE on the team sees it. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate… Use the Announcement Board.